Shoals of Memory

This is the place in your mind where your memory pools. After a day's events, you'll often find yourself here, gazing into those glistening shallows. Sometimes you'll retrace that path to figure out why things went how they did. In time, everything either dissolves into the rest of your mind, or sinks beneath the shoals as it's replaced with newer memories.

A glimpse of some recent events is present in one of the pools. It probably isn't anything relevant. You don't plan to think about it any more than you have to.

This is the place in your mind where your memory pools. After a day's events, you'll often find yourself here, gazing into those glistening shallows. Sometimes you'll retr-Wait, hold on.

Who is that?

You've never seen that person before in your life.

Approach her?

The intruder continues to gaze into your memories, frustratingly out of biting range. Her vault of energy stands stalwart, gleaming as if to taunt you.

Attempt to open the vault?

i see what i missed perfectly clearly now. my bad. i shouldn't have dragged my feet.

The words echo in your head as you're kicked back to your own mind. Spinach is nowhere to be seen.
Your intuition says that doesn't mean you're home free. Not quite yet.

The shoals lap calmly against their banks. Too calmly, for your taste.

You could just lie here, you know. You could dip yourself in your memories and stew. You could try to recount every single thing that led you to this point and rot here.

...You don't think that's a particularly wise idea, upon consideration.

Go back to the hub?