The Garden of Manly Delights

This wonderful patch of paradise is your Garden of Manly Delights. You've accrued a fine collection of men here, to carouse and caress to your satisfaction. They aren't the real ones, of course, but rather just impressions on your mind synthesized from the actual men you know. It's no substitute for real intimacy, but you feel more confident being able to practice with them like this. You hope you can do that well outside your mind, too.

You wonder if there should be more fish in here. You'd love to have more fish to get closer with, but it's been difficult finding icthyians who are as interested in you as you would be in them. Oh well! It's probably just because you've been spending so much time on land.

Who would you like to take with you?

Someone courageous?

Someone delicate?

Someone distinguished?

Someone spunky?

Someone with the sweetest, saddest eyes?

The Garden of Manly Delights lays empty and quiet. Not a soul in sight, not a man in mwah-ing range, not a bachelor in the bicinity. You can't help but feel like a monster.

Get back to the task at hand?